I am happy to announce that I just started a new way to get my work out into the world.....
PATREON is a crowdfunding + monthly subscription platform that offers members different tiers. It is a system designed for fans or students (the latter in my case) to support artists, instructors, writers, etc in exchange for content delivered straight to your inbox. However, even though Patreon is set up to be a crowdfunding system, I am using it as my online video, blog and content delivery platform. After 20 years of cultivating and embodying the path of a Somatic Healer / Instructor, Choreographer and Performer; working full time mostly for myself in Los Angeles and making a great living, I am called to share my work and my point of view around healing and the endless wisdom that lives right here in our body! When I am not in my 'grind mind', I am having a pleasure guided embodiment experience and I love sharing this with anyone who wants to join this dance! As a full time facilitator of healing through hands on bodywork, guiding women to open towards their erotic power, numerous teacher trainings for Yoga, Dance, Qi Gong, creating my own teacher training program, dancing up and down Poles and choreographing on Award Nominated films, I realized - Damn! I do have a lot of experience in lots of wild living. I have overcome many many fears, I found how to and then stay on the path LOVE and sustaining my life force, my business for 20 years, my 26 year marriage and still going.... But, if I may share.... it doesn't feel like I am growing much, like I have plateaued and instead of thriving I am just coasting from my own vapor trails. Of course having my once active life changed in an instant from the pandemic has something to do with that but its a feeling that's been sprinkling into my thoughts for a while now. The fun part of this is, I recognize this scratchy restlessness. She's visited me before. She usually shows up before a big change. My dreams have been showing me to be ready for something new and grand. These dreams and uncomfortable sensations began to get stronger as I started focusing on this Patreon thing. So here I am. Letting go of external expectations + listening to my heartmind. I'm humbled by this challenge and I am grateful that YOU are here, xoxo. Ok, back to the dry details of how this subscription works...... It is a monthly autopay situation and requires you to trust that you will receive enough interesting stuff on a regular basis, as well as find the Full Length Video Library useful. This is being uploaded now and some videos are already available for you. I created 7 tiers that will unlock different content - i know it's a lot to read but maybe the info graphic below will help. (thank you Joan for the suggestion). I'm still amazed I made an infographic! Look Ma, this Patreon thing is already giving me new skills - lol!
Another way to look at this is, I will be using this platform instead of Instagram or YouTube to post my work and creative endeavors. Although I support the sharing of free content - and there will be Public Posts as well on my Patreon page - I am a fan of energy exchange - I just see it more balanced and sustainable.
Also, a HUGE part of why I chose this platform is that I love how quiet Patreon is for me to work in compared to social media platforms. IG and YouTube just have too much noise and is so distracting to me. This is the difficulty in being so sensitive to a lot of outer stimulation.
To be honest, too much external input gets in the way of my desire to share my own work and thoughts and engage with people on a deeper level.
Who is this for?
Mainly, I designed this for my weekly students. If you were paying for my livestream zoom classes this year, you might have been spending anywhere from $24 - $148 per month just for my EMA classes and/or Body Labs.
(thank you, thank you, thank you x a million)
If this is you, for $12 per month you will get Access to the Body Lab video library
Or for $30 per month, the Body Lab or EMA tier gives you Access to Full Length classes from the library as well as new exclusive tutorial videos every month.
*Note: There are 2 separate $30 tiers. One for Women Only (Tier 3) as well as Body Lab (Tier 4),
And eww, I hate to sound like an infomercial but there is no other way to say this...it breaks down to only $1 a day!
One dollar a day to support my work and to have class videos you can take anytime.
For $60 per month, you get access to ALL the Videos for both EMA & Body Lab + MONTHLY 1-1 personalize guidance via email or audio
This can include for example, how to tend to your specific chronic body pain (one body part at a time please), personalized suggestion on how to bring more chi + pleasure into your specific goals, etc. One guidance per month.
It is a huge savings if you think about it - $15 per week for On Demand Full Length Class videos plus new videos sent to your in box 2 x a month that never expire + a little personal check in and support.
The subscription menu actually starts at a $3 tier that gives you the Newsletter with early access and discounts to events and my blog.
Moving up the tiers you will get Zoom private sessions with me with a personal embodiment program we will build together and the cost of Livestream classes are included. These upper tiers are for those who want accountability with their embodiment practice and dive deeper into transformational work. Please browse around and write to me if you have any questions.
Offering you heart-full gratitude,
